
What Is Sound Therapy or Sound Healing

Sound therapy is a form of alternative medicine that utilizes sound waves to promote healing and balance for the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is a growing field that has gained recognition and popularity in recent years. One of the instruments used in sound healing is the singing bowl also known as a sound bowl, which has been known to produce soothing and calming vibrations.

Sound therapy is effective in treating depression, anxiety, pain management, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and promoting overall well-being. When the difference between the two frequencies is in the range of 1 to 30 Hz, this difference is said to be audible as a “beat.” The frequency of the beat corresponds to a specific brainwave state, such as alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (13-30 Hz), or delta (0.5-4 Hz). By listening to binaural beats, the brain can be entrained to these specific brainwave states, which can result in changes to mood, cognition, and overall well-being.

What’s The Secret Of Himalayan Singing Bowls?

A singing bowl is a bell that rests on the horizontal surface and has the opening facing upward. You can make the sound by striking the bowl with a special mallet. Singing bowls can also be played using a friction mallet by rubbing the mallet against the bowl’s rim.Every vibration that recurs at regular intervals has a “frequency” or a “pitch”.

Frequency is a measure of how FREQUENT a cycle of motion occurs within a given time unit. Vibration with no periodic activity has no frequency. Hertz (Hz) is the unit of frequency measurement. One cycle per second is one Hz.

* An adult can hear sounds between 20 and 20000Hz.

5 Great Benefits of a Sound Therapy Course

  1. Sound Healing is a Growing Field in Wellness
  2. As stress levels increase, the world looks for ways to deal with them. Sound therapy is one of those fields that is beginning to gain popularity in stress relief. Those who are looking for a way to ease their emotions are seeking safe alternatives to pharmaceutical approaches.

  3. Correlation of Music and Entertainment
  4. Through the sound healing course, you will develop your ear and will be able to hear music and sound in a way you hadn’t previously. You will learn about mental responses to certain tones and how these tones influence emotional and physical states. You will discover the relationship between sound and brainwave patterns.

  5. Understand what Affects Emotions
  6. When you take a sound therapy class you learn how different sounds affect both the conscious and subconscious mind. You will be able to recognize and utilize specific tones and musical intervals to manipulate emotional responses

  7. Build Your Own Confidence
  8. Develop Wellness Tools

A sound therapy course will give you a path for independence. You will find a new beneficial career path. This gives you both peace of mind and poses financial gain.

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